Thomas Simmons Will
Currituck County, North Carolina
(Section Office Book 9, Foiw 64)
February 1755
I, Thomas Simmons of Currituck Province of North Carolina being well stricken in years but in perfect memory — christian burial — discretion of my executor — I give to my three eldest Sons the plantation and land whereon I live now to be divided as hereafter shall be mentioned — my son Thomas Simmons I give land binding on Thomas Taylor̓s line the eastermost side of the road as the road is now a part of the plantation to a certain black walnut tree standing by the road side and from that to a black mulberry tree standing in the eastermost side of the plantation and from thence on east north east comes to the bay side — to my son Samuel I give the remainder of the aforesaid plantation and land on the eastermost side of the road binding on the line of Gilbert Portwood — to my son Samson Simmons I give the westermost part of the aforesaid land on the westermost side of the road excepting one fifty acres which I have all ready given to my son Samuel by a Deed of Gift — to them and their heirs during their pleasures only — make this reservation that they are not any or either of my three sons any ways to molest or disturb their said Mother during her natural life. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary the plantation whereon she now lives with 50 acres of land to the same — ging. I give and bequeath to my son Edom 50 acres of land joining on the eastermost part of the aforesaid Mary Morris her land, to them and their heirs during their pleasures. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Muncreef one cow and calf. I give and bequeath to my well beloved wife Sarah Simmons whom I likewise constitute make and ordain to be sole executor of my last will and testament all and singular my household goods and moveable effects during her natural life and at her decease all that to be divided equally between my three youngest sons — Edom Simmons, Caleb Simmons, and Asalel Simmons. Only one cow and calf to be taken out and given to my daughter Sarah Mercer and I do hereby disallo~ revoke and disown all and every other former testament, wills, legacies and bequests and executed by me and in any ways before names willed and bequeaths ratifying and confirming this one no other to be my last will and testament in witness whereof I have here unto set my hand.
Benjamin Prescott
Benjamin (B) Cowell his mark
Elizabeth (E) Cowell her mark
Thomas Simmons & Seal
His Mark
September Court, 1755 — This may certify that Benjamin Cowell, Benamin Prescott and Elizabeth Cowell saw Thomas Simmons sign and also saw Sarah Simmons appear as executor and take oath. William Shergold, Clerk.