
My Trotman Line

Edward & Elizabeth

Susan Trotman
Blount Garrett /1731??

Thomas/1763 & Winnifred

Blount & Susan

Louise Trotman/1844 & Berry Whitten

The Family of Edward TROTMAN & Elizabeth WALTON

          Married :
          Death : adt 1764
          Burried :
          Father :
          Mother :
          Spouse : Elizabeth WALTON TROTMAN
          Born :
          Death : 26 Jan 1781
          Father :
          Mother :

                    Children of Edward Trotman & Elizabeth WALTON

                    1. Dempsy Trotman
                    2. Amos Trotman
                              1. Amos Trotman, Jr.
                              2. Sarah Trotman Cullins
                              3. Elisha Trotman
                              4. Selah Trotman HILL
                              5. Edward Trotman
                    3. Thomas TROTMAN
                    4. Ezekiel Trotman
                    5. Susan Trotman
                              1. Thomas Trotman
                    6.Sarah Trotman Scott wife of James Scott
                              1. William Scott
                              2. Joseph Scott
                              3. Sarah Scott Hoffer

Chowan Co, NC will of Edward TROTMAN, undated (but prob abt
1764)--"loving wife Elizabeth," sons Demsey, Amos, & Ezekiel, Henry
WALTON, son Thomas, my son-in-law, son Demsey Exr. Test: Priscilla
WALTON, Elizabeth WALTON, Elisha HUNTER.

ment in her mother's will, Elizabeth WALTON TROTMAN of Gates Co;
Elizabeth ment her grandson Thomas TROTMAN, son of Susanna but does not give Susanna's surname Gates Co, NC 1781 WB 1/13

Feb Court 1781, Gates Co,. NC wills, Will of Elizabeth TROTMAN 26 Jan 1781 wits: Jacob BAGLEY & Jo. RIDDICK, exhibited by Amos TROTMAN, heirs:
dau. Sarah SCOTT, g-dau Sarah HOFFLER, g-son John HOFFLER, g-son Thomas TROTMAN son of Susanna, g-son Josiah TROTMAN, g-son William SCOTT, son Amos TROTMAN Extr.

Edward TROTMAN info:
The State Records of NC ed. Walter CLARK Vol. XXII Misc.--
p. 257, Chowan Precinct, TROTTMAN, Edward 111A 1:18:7
pp 356-357, A List of Men Lately Commanded by Captain James FARLEE, deceased, taken 25 Nov 1754--Edward TROTMAN, Demsey TROTMAN, Amos TROTMAN

Chowan Co, NC will, 6 April 1724, John FORMAN will Nansemond Co, VA, wife and John GOURDONE or GOURDONS, Jr., Extrs. Test: Thos. WIMBLE & Edw'd TROTMAN

3d Thurs July 1746 County Court Minutes, Chowan Co, NC, p. 129, Edwd. TROTMAN #12 called to Grand Jury

Processioners' Records Chowan Co, NC 1755/1756; 1764/1765; 1795-1797; 1800 & 1808 by Raymond Parker Fouts:
Between William WALTON and Edward TROTMAN
Between Edward TROTMAN and Moses ROUNTREE
Processioners Abner EASON, Guy HILL 6 Apr 1756

25 Sep 1756 St. Paul's (Episcopal) Parish, (Edenton), Chowan Co, NC,
vestry minutes, Edward TROTTMAN--payment for wolf's scalp

3 Jan 1759, Chowan Co, NC, land grant, Edward TROTMAN Book XI p. 105, 240A on the drains of Meherrin Swamp

?21 Dec 1768, St. Paul's Parish, Chowan Co, NC, vestry minutes, 1:8:3 pd. to Edward TROTMAN for boarding Moses WELWOOD

Feb 1785 deed of gift, Gates Co., NC, County Court Minutes 1779-1787,
Edward TROTMAN to Sarah SCOTT proved by oath of Thomas TROTMAN

Aug 1791, Gates Co, NC, County Court Minutes 1788-1793, Demsey TROTMAN appt'd guard. to Joseph & Sarah SCOTT children of James SCOTT which was left them by their g-father Edward TROTMAN bond f200 w/Thomas HUNTER & Seth EASON, sec.

Elizabeth TROTMAN info:
Gates Co., NC, County Court Minutes:
1779, by mistake of assessors, Elizabeth TROTMAN tax 6300 pounds

Feb 1781 will of Elizabeth TROTMAN, exhibited by Amos TROTMAN Extr., prov. by Jacob BAGLEY

Feb 1781 inventory of est. of Elizabeth TROTMAN decd. exhibited by Amos TROTMAN Extr.

Elizabeth WALTON TROTMAN will (she was wid of Edward) 26 Jan 1781, probated Feb 1781
Ch: Sarah SCOTT, Amos TROTMAN Gdau Sarah HOFFLER, Gson John HOFFLER, Gson Thomas TROTMAN s/o Susanna
(she's the one who had ch by Blount GARRETT--Thomas TROTMAN prob his  son--my anc), Gson Josiah TROTMAN, Gson William SCOTT
Gates Co, NC Will Bk 1 pp 13-14
Prop went to Dau Sarah & Gdau Sarah HOFFLER. Son Amos was executor.

Feb Court 1781, Gates Co,. NC wills, Will of Elizabeth TROTMAN 26 Jan  1781 wits: Jacob BAGLEY & Jo. RIDDICK, exhibited by Amos TROTMAN, heirs:
dau. Sarah SCOTT, g-dau Sarah HOFFLER, g-son John HOFFLER, g-son Thomas TROTMAN son of Susanna, g-son Josiah TROTMAN, g-son William SCOTT, son Amos TROTMAN Extr.

Gates Co., NC, wills v. III, #276, Inventory of est. of Elizabeth TROTMAN
taken by Amos TROTMAN Exer., 10 shillings & 9 pence in small silver & coppers. One negroe woman Venue [Venus?]. 11 state dollars & 6d., Amos TROTMAN. Exhibited February Court 1781 by Amos TROTMAN.

Dempsey TROTMAN info:
Demsey TROTMAN will probated Nov 1795, undated
Apparently not married Bro Ezekiel TROTMAN gets house & land where he lives. Rest of land to go to other bros & sisters. Rest to heirs of Amos TROTMAN Senr & heirs of Sara SCOTT, Susanna WALTON (maybe husband was Henry WALTON?), Mary HOFFLER. Assume that all siblings that are cited with "heirs of" are prob deceased.
Wits: Thomas TWINE, Noah TROTMAN, Shedrick STALLINGS
Gates Co, NC Will Bk 1 p136

Gates Co, NC Demsey TROTMAN will (136):
bro Ezekiel house & lands whereon I now live.
remainder of lands to be sold & money divided bet all my bros & sisters
except Ezekiel TROTMAN. Heirs of Thomas TROTMAN & heirs of Amos TROTMAN Senr & the heirs of Sarah SCOT & the heirs of Susanna WALTON & the heirs to Mary HOFFLER after my Just debts are discharged.

Bro Ezekiel TROTMAN exr
Wits: Thomas TWINE (Jurat), Noah TROTMAN (Jurat), Shedrick (his X mark) STALLING.
Demsy TROTMAN (seal)
Nov Court 1795: Exhibited by Ezekiel TROTMAN exr; proved by Thomas TWINE

Amos TROTMAN info:
Gates Co, NC will Amos TROTMAN (85-86)
Leaves to son Amos land purch of Lewis GOODWIN & Ziberlun MANSFIELD To dau Sarah CULLINS all my Lands whereon Jacob CULLINS now lives which is the Lands I purch of William HARRISS ...
Names other ch: Elisha, Selah HILL, & Edward. Bro Thomas TROTMAN & son Amos exrs.
10 May 1790
wits: James BAKER, Thos. HUNTER, Sally (her X mark) SPEIGHT.
Amos (his A mark) TROTMAN (seal)
May Court 1790: Exhibited by Thomas TROTMAN exr; proved by Thomas HUNTER.

Ezekiel TROTMAN info:
Gates Co, NC will Ezekiel TROTMAN (235-237):
Wife Jemima items & 1/2 plantation "whereon I live" as far as to the land
that formerly belonged to Demsey TROTMAN decd. Provisions for one year for herself & family considering Ezekiel & William TROTMAN as two of her family ...
Son Riddick
So Noah
Son Seth
Dau Penelope HURDLE
Dau Seneth HUNTER
Dau Millicent WALTON
Lend to son Seth & neighbor Joseph RIDDICK tract of land that Demsey
TROTMAN decd gave me
son Seth & neighbor Joseph RIDDICK exrs
Nov 1804
wits: Elisha TROTMAN, Edward TROTMAN
Ezekiel (his X mark) TROTMAN (seal)
May Court 1807: Exhibited by Seth TROTMAN & John RIDDICK esquires,

Thomas TROTMAN bro of Susannah, not our anc) info:
Gates Co, NC will Thomas TROTMAN (97-99):
Wife Rachel dau Polly ROUNTREE land bot of Demsey TROTMAN joining John ROUNTREE .dau Abigella TROTMAN
son Thomas TROTMAN land incl land bot of James GREGORY Esqr. lying near society Chappel & the piece of land lying at or near the long Causway ...son Joseph TROTMAN land lying in Perq Co
dau Love TROTMAN
son Willis TROTMAN
mother-in-law Hannah PERRY
Joseph RIDDICK exr
10 Jan 1791
Thomas TROTMAN (seal)
Aug Court 1791: "The within and above will with a noncupative will
annexed was exhibited into court by Joseph RIDDICK exr ..."; proved by

Susanna TROTMAN info:
NC Bastardy Bonds by Betty J. CAMIN & Edwin A. CAMIN
p64 mother Susanna TROTMAN girl, Jan 1765 Bondsmen Blount GARRETT, Richard WALTON, John WALLIS
Susanna TROTMAN Jan 1765 Bondsmen Blount GARRETT, Amos TROTMAN, John HOBBS

Vestry Minutes of St. Paul's (Episcopal) Parish, (Edenton), Chowan Co, NC
1701-1776 by Raymond Parker FOUTS: "The late Church Warden Having agreed
with Susana TROTMAN to keep her Bastard Child from the fourth of this
instant to this Day at the Rate of five pound pr. year it is ordered that
She Keep it for the Ensuing year at the Same rate unless any other person will keep if for Less it is Further ordered that The Church Wardens Bring Suit against Blount GARROT the Reputed father of Said Bastard and John HOBS and Amos TROTMAN his Securities to reimburse this paris_ [prob parish] ." (Vestry meeting 23 Apr 1765)

ment in her mother's will, Elizabeth WALTON TROTMAN of Gates Co;
Elizabeth ment her grandson Thomas TROTMAN, son of Susanna but does not give Susanna's surname Gates Co, NC 1781 WB 1/13

Notes on Thomas TROTMAN who migrated to Washington Co, GA:
MARRIAGE: 3 March 1788, Bertie Co., NC, to Winnefred CULLEN, Frederick CULLEN, surety

DEATH: bef 6 Jan 1803, Washington (or Jefferson?) Co, GA. Letters of
adminstration applied for by Frederick CULLEN on estate of Thomas
TROTMAN, Louisville Gazette newspaper 1799-1803, issue of 12 or 19 Jan 1803, legal advertisement. Wife Winnefred shown as widow in 1805 Land Lottery.

p. 6, Bertie Co., NC Land Entries 1778-1794, #15. May 13, 1778 William
ANDREWS enters 300 ac in Bertie Co: border: Amos HARRELL, Baley HARRELL, Samuel HARRELL, Benja TROTMAN, Christopher BUTLER, George DILLARD, George WILLIAMS, Benja WILLIAMS, & Richd WILLIAMS. (How is "Benja" related?)

Rev War serice 19 May 1781-1782, Chowan Co., Edenton Dist., NC, Pvt. in Carter's Co., 10th NC Regt COL Abraham SHEPARD.

1790 NC census Bertie Co., NC--two Thomas TROTMANs shown

Feb 1792, deed, Bertie Co., NC, County Court Minutes 1788-1792, sale of  land Jacob & Fredk. CULLEN to Thomas F?OOTMAN [TROTMAN], oath Absalom CARNEY.

17 Feb 1798, deed, Bertie Co., NC, Thomas sold land

Records of Estates Bertie Co, NC 1788-1800 Vol III by David B. GAMMON #168 Christian GRIFFIN--admin grtd Thomas TROTMAN, 12 Aug 1795. Inv by the admr 16 Jul 1795. [Micajah GRIFFIN was bondsman for Frederick CULLEN marriage] Acct of sale (undated). Buyers:
Henry LEE
Leml. LEE
Joshua LEE
Joseph MORE
Kiddy CULLINS [Christiana?]
Samuel HAYES

GA Pioneers: H. Moore MCDONALD (orphs of), Wash Co. His w. was Mary Bacon DIXON d/o Robert DIXON of Liberty Co. Matthews MACDONALD, son of James, Washington Co. [Thomas TROTMAN's dau, Mary, married a MCDONALD, probably of this family]

Thomas TROTMAN wit to deed, Edgefield Co, SC Deed Books 16, 17, 18 abs by Carol Wells, DB16 pp462-262 Frederick CULLENS to John WIMBERLY. B/S, 7 March 1798, $230 silver, Negro woman Ada abt 22 yrs old. Wits: James BAREFIELD, Thomas TROTMAN. /s/ Frederick CULLENS. Proven 16 Aug 1798 by James BAREFIELD; Russell WILSON JP. Rec 12 Mar 1799.